~~NOTOC~~ ======= xfmpc ======= xfmpc is a graphical GTK+ Music Player Daemon (MPD) client focusing on low footprint. ---- ===== Dependencies ===== * libgtk+2 2.16 * libxfce4ui 4.8.0 * libxfce4util 4.8.0 * libmpd 0.15.0 ---- ===== Latest Release ===== {{rss>https://archive.xfce.org/feeds/project/xfmpc 1 date description 2h}} * **[[https://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/xfmpc/|Previous Versions]]** [[|Back to Top]] ---- ===== Source Code Repository ===== [[https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfmpc|]] ---- ===== Reporting Bugs ===== * **[[:apps:xfmpc:bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** -- Open bug reports and how to report new bugs [[|Back To Top]] ---- [[ :4.16:start:|Return to Main Xfce documentation page]]