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GIT Tips & Tricks

Different local username

If your SSH username is not the same as your local username, you can make an entry in $HOME/.ssh/config (create it if it doesn't exist) so you don't have to type it each time:

Host git.xfce.org
    User $USERNAME

Pull over git:// push with ssh://

You can switch to a different protocol or location for the push command. Advantage is that you can clone a repository using git://git.xfce.org/... which is faster than a ssh connection (no login, permission check and encryption), but push to ssh.

git config --global url."ssh://git@git.xfce.org".pushInsteadOf "git://git.xfce.org"

Shortcut URL's

git config --global url."ssh://git.xfce.org/".insteadOf xfce:

After this, you'll be able to do, for example:

git clone xfce:xfce/xfdesktop