Xfce Wiki

Sub domains

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User repositories

Contributors now have the possibility to create user repositories. This allows all developers with git permissions to create their own repository with the following wildcard:


This is useful when you have no permission to commit upstream to xfwm4 directly, but you want a branch to build new features or fix bugs and have others test it out:

1. Clone the source repository

git clone git://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4

2. Add your user repository

git remote add private ssh://git@git.xfce.org/users/your-user-name/xfwm4

3. Create a branch

git checkout -b fix-for-bug-1234

4. Make changes

5. Push the branch to your own user repository

git push private

Repos are listed here and with ssh git@git.xfce.org you can see your @C permission.