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panel-plugins:xfce4-mailwatch-plugin [2019/12/12 06:21] kevinbowenpanel-plugins:xfce4-mailwatch-plugin [2021/03/18 14:44] (current) – removed kevinbowen
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-{{ :panel-plugins:xfce4-mailwatch.png?nolink|}} 
-====== Mailwatch ====== 
-Xfce4 Mailwatch Plugin is a multi-protocol, multi-mailbox mail watcher 
-for the Xfce4 panel. 
-  * **[[#Properties|Properties]]** 
-  * **[[#Mailbox Configuration|Mailbox Configuration]]** 
-  * **[[#IMAP|IMAP Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#POP3|POP3 Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#GMAIL|GMail Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#Maildir|Maildir Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#Mbox|Mbox Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#MH Maildir|MH Maildir Settings]]** 
-  * **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]** 
-  * **[[#Installation|Installation]]** 
-  * **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]** 
-  * **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** 
-===== Features ===== 
-  * IMAP and Secure IMAP support 
-  * POP3 and Secure POP3 support 
-  * Local Mbox mailbox support 
-  * Local Maildir mailbox support 
-  * Local MH-Maildir mailbox support 
-  * GMail support 
-  * Fully multithreaded design: no panel lockups 
-  * Informative new-message breakdown in tooltip 
-  * Ability to run program on new messages or button click 
-  * Informative logger to help track down mail connection problems 
-===== Usage ===== 
-The Mailwatch icon remains grey (default color) as long as it does not 
-detect any new mail. As soon as it checks, and there is new mail, the 
-mail icon will turn gold (default color). By clicking on the mail 
-icon, a command, which can be defined in the properties dialog box, 
-will be launched. A mail check can be forced by middle-clicking the 
-Mailwatch icon in the panel. Right-clicking on the Mailwatch icon 
-shows a context menu from which you can choose //Properties// to 
-access the configuration options. There are also menu items for 
-forcing an update and the about box. 
-===== Properties ===== 
-Xfce4 Mailwatch Plugin has a variety of configuration options. Access 
-to the configuration is gained by right-clicking the panel icon, and 
-by choosing //Properties//. 
-<figure "Mailwatch main settings dialog"> 
-The main controls for managing mailboxes are //Add//, //Edit//, and 
-//Remove//. At later stage, we'll walk through adding and configuring 
-each mailbox type. 
-External Programs 
-Mailwatch can launch your mail user agent (or any other program) when 
-the panel icon is clicked. The name of the executable together with 
-possible startup parameters goes in the //Run on click// entry 
-field. You can also define the command to be executed when Mailwatch 
-detects new mail by typing the desired command in the //Run on new 
-messages// entry field. Note that the command is executed once for 
-each time Mailwatch detects new mail, regardless of the number of new 
-messages received. 
-The icons that Mailwatch displays in the panel are configurable. Both 
-the //Normal// and //New Mail// buttons present a file chooser dialog, 
-which you can use to select your preferred icons. 
-Mailwatch includes a logging mechanism as well. It provides 
-information about errors and other noteworthy events that take 
-place. The log is accessible via the //View Log// button. There's also 
-a setting to //Show log status in icon// in the log dialog which, if 
-enabled, provides a visual indication of new log events in the panel. 
-<figure "Log window"> 
-<figure "Panel indicator"> 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-===== Mailbox configuration ===== 
-In this section we walk through adding and configuring each type of 
-To add a new mailbox, click //Add// in the main configuration dialog 
-and a mailbox type selection dialog will appear. The dialog presents 
-each supported mailbox type in the dropdown list, as well as an 
-informative description of the mailbox in the label below. 
-<figure "Mailbox type selection"> 
-==== IMAP ==== 
-IMAP, acronym for //Internet Message Access Protocol//, is a quite common 
-mailbox format. An IMAP mailbox is a remote mailbox, so it requires 
-various configuration options to be able to contact the remote IMAP 
-server and get information on the mailbox. 
-To create an IMAP account in Mailwatch, choose //Remote IMAP Mailbox// in 
-the mailbox type chooser dialog, and you will be presented with the 
-IMAP settings dialog. 
-<figure "IMAP settings dialog"> 
-Mailbox Name 
-A descriptive name for the mailbox. The name entered here will appear 
-on the Mailwatch icon tooltip, which indicates mailboxes that have new 
-mail. This setting is required, regardless of the mailbox type. 
-MAP Server 
-  * Mail server - The hostname of the remote mail server. 
-  * Username - The username to use while accessing the mailbox. 
-  * Password - The password to use. 
-Defines how often Mailwatch accesses the mailbox to see if there's new 
-mail. You shouldn't set this too low, as it will create unnecessary 
-network traffic. It's not recommended to set this lower than 5 
-minutes, unless you're really sure your service provider is okay with 
-The default setup uses unencrypted connections and the default IMAP 
-folder. It is highly recommended that you select an encrypted 
-connection type if your mail provider supports it. Others may require 
-an encrypted connection. For that there's the advanced settings 
-=== Advanced Settings === 
-<figure "Advanced IMAP settings dialog"> 
-If your IMAP service provider supports encryption for client 
-connections, you should take advantage of it. There are generally two 
-implementations of encrypted connections. The most common one uses 
-port 993 for client connections and encrypts the connection from the 
-start. The other, less common method, uses the ordinary IMAP port for 
-initializing the connection and then, before any sensitive data is 
-transmitted, initializes the encryption with the //STARTTLS// 
-command. Mailwatch provides default settings for these setups, which 
-are //Use SSL/TLS on alternate port// and //Use SSL/TLS via STARTTLS// 
-respectively. If you're not sure which option your mail provider 
-supports, you can test via trial and error by using each setting, and 
-then checking the log viewer for errors. 
-There's also the possibility of using a non-standard IMAP port, if 
-your service provider so requires. Just check the box, and type in the 
-appropriate port. The box will pre-fill the default port for the 
-selected connection type. 
-In addition of the connection related settings, you can set the 
-directory on the server where your mail is stored using the //IMAP 
-server directory// text box. This setting may not be necessary on some 
-systems. If you see a large number of strange folder names when 
-looking in the //New mail folders// dialog box, you may need to set this, 
-often to something like "mail", "Mail", or "Maildir". 
-<figure "New mail folders dialog"> 
-Since IMAP supports viewing mail in multiple folders, it's possible 
-that you'd receive new mail in folders other than your inbox. If 
-that's the case, you can use the //New Mail Folders// dialog to instruct 
-Mailwatch to check mail in multiple folders. The dialog will connect 
-to your mail server and fetch a list of folders for you to select. Of 
-course, you'll need to enter the server information first. 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-==== POP3 ==== 
-POP3, short for //Post Office Protocol Version 3//, is another common 
-type of remote mailbox. Because of its remote nature, the settings for 
-POP3 are almost the same as IMAP, with some omissions, as POP3 isn't 
-as advanced a protocol as IMAP. 
-<figure "POP3 settings dialog"> 
-Mailbox Name 
-A descriptive name for the mailbox. The name entered here will appear 
-on the Mailwatch icon tooltip, which indicates mailboxes that have new 
-mail. This setting is required, regardless of the mailbox type. 
-POP3 Server 
-  * Mail server - Hostname of the POP3 server. 
-  * Username - Username to authenticate with. 
-  * Password - Password to use in authentication. 
-Defines how often Mailwatch accesses the mailbox to see if there's new 
-mail. You shouldn't set this too low, as it will create unnecessary 
-network traffic. It's not recommended to set this lower than 5 
-minutes, unless you're really sure your service provider is okay with 
-While for most users providing these settings should be enough, there 
-are also advanced settings for those who need additional features. 
-=== Advanced Settings === 
-<figure "POP3 advanced settings dialog"> 
-If your POP3 service provider supports encryption for client 
-connections, you should take advantage of it. There are generally two 
-implementations of encrypted connections. The most common one uses 
-port 995 for client connections and encrypts the connection from the 
-start. The other, less common method, uses the ordinary POP3 port for 
-initializing the connection and then, before any sensitive data is 
-transmitted, initializes the encryption with the //STLS// 
-command. Mailwatch provides default settings for these setups, which 
-are //Use SSL/TLS on alternate port// and //Use SSL/TLS via STARTTLS// 
-respectively. If you're not sure which option your mail provider 
-supports, you can test via trial and error by using each setting, and 
-then checking the log viewer for errors. 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-==== GMail ==== 
-Mailwatch can also watch your GMail mailbox. Mailwatch does this 
-securely by using HTTPS and GMail's RSS feed. 
-<figure "GMail settings dialog"> 
-GMail Server 
-  * Username - Your GMail username. 
-  * Password - Your GMail password. 
-==== Maildir ==== 
-Maildir is a mailbox format for local mailboxes and thus there is no 
-hostname, etc. to configure, but merely a directory where your mail is 
-stored. A Maildir mailbox has a certain distinguishable hierarchy, 
-which defines the mailbox (and which Mailwatch expects to find). A 
-Maildir consists of a top level directory (''~/.maildir'' for example), 
-which contains three subdirectories (''cur'', ''new'', ''tmp''). 
-<figure "Maildir settings dialog"> 
-Mailbox Name 
-A descriptive name for the mailbox. The name entered here will appear 
-on the Mailwatch icon tooltip, which indicates mailboxes that have new 
-mail. This setting is required, regardless of the mailbox type. 
-Maildir Path 
-The toplevel directory of your Maildir. (Note: This is the main mail 
-folder, not any of the three subdirectories.) 
-Defines how often Mailwatch checks the mailbox for new mail. It is 
-safe to set a value as low as 1 minute, as this is presumably on a 
-local filesystem, or at least a local network. 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-==== Mbox ==== 
-Mbox is another very common local mailbox format in which each folder 
-is a single, large file that contains all your messages. Because of 
-this, Mbox expects to find a specially-formatted Mbox file instead of 
-a directory tree. 
-<figure "Mbox settings dialog"> 
-Mailbox Name 
-A descriptive name for the mailbox. The name entered here will appear 
-on the Mailwatch icon tooltip, which indicates mailboxes that have new 
-mail. This setting is required, regardless of the mailbox type. 
-Mbox Filename 
-The location of your Mbox file (often ''/var/mail/$USER'').  
-Defines how often Mailwatch checks the mailbox for new mail. It is 
-safe to set a value as low as 1 minute, as this is presumably on a 
-local filesystem, or at least a local network. 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-==== MH Maildir ==== 
-MH Maildir is a variant of the Maildir format. For a MH Maildir 
-mailbox, Mailwatch reads your ''$HOME/.mh_profile'' file for its 
-configuration, so there are no actual settings specific to MH 
-<figure "MH maildir settings dialog"> 
-{{ :panel-plugins:xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-mh-settings.png |}} 
-Mailbox Name 
-A descriptive name for the mailbox. The name entered here will appear 
-on the Mailwatch icon tooltip, which indicates mailboxes that have new 
-mail. This setting is required, regardless of the mailbox type. 
-Defines how often Mailwatch checks the mailbox for new mail. It is 
-safe to set a value as low as 1 minute, as this is presumably on a 
-local filesystem, or at least a local network. 
-[[|Back To Top]] 
-===== Latest Release ===== 
-==== 1.2.0 (2013/1024) ==== 
-**SHA-256 Hash**: 624acc8229a8593c0dfeb28f883f4958119a715cc81cecdbaf29efc8ab1edcad \\ 
-**SHA-1 Hash**: d0ab5e543211b951e01242efeb4ab3145db5c4c4 \\ 
-**MD5 Hash**: 7263114ec0f2987a3aff15afeeb45577 
-The normal (and best) way to get this plugin is to use the package 
-manager or port system of your operating system. 
-If it isn't available there, or if you want a different version, you 
-can download it in source form from 
-You can retrieve the current development version of the plugin from 
-Xfce’s Git repository using the following command: 
-git clone git://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 
-It can also be browsed at [[http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin]]. 
-===== Requirements ===== 
-  * Xfce 4 base libraries, version 4.8.0 or greater 
-  * Xfce 4 Panel, version 4.8.0 or greater 
-  * **Optional but recommended:** GNU TLS, version 1.2.0 or greater and libgcrypt, version 1.2.0 or greater, for secure IMAP and POP3 support 
-===== Installation ===== 
-In order to install a released version fo Mailwatch, issue the 
-following commands from the root of the Mailwatch source tree: 
-$ ./configure --prefix=${xfce_prefix} 
-$ make 
-$ make install 
-Where ''${xfce_prefix}'' is the location where Xfce 4 is installed. On 
-most systems this should be ''/usr''. The make install portion should 
-be run as root (or via sudo) if the prefix is a system location. 
-In order to install the Git version of Mailwatch, issue the following 
-commands instead: 
-$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=${xfce_prefix} 
-$ make 
-$ make install 
-===== Contributions ===== 
-Bug reports and patches can be submitted on 
-[[https://bugzilla.xfce.org|Xfce Bugzilla]]. Development discussion 
-should take place on the 
-Development Mailing List]]. The Mailwatch plugin is easily extensible 
-to support extra mailbox types if needed. 
-If you’d like to see Mailwatch translated into another language, 
-please visit the page with information for 
-===== Source Code Repository ===== 
-===== Reporting Bugs ===== 
-If you encounter a bug in ''mailwatch'', please submit a bug report to the [[https://bugzilla.xfce.org/|Xfce Bugzilla]]. Please note that to do this you will need to have / create an account on Bugzilla. 
-<note important>Before reporting a new bug, please try your best to check if it has already been reported (see the latest reports below). [[https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?list_id=14522&product=xfce4-mailwatch-plugin&resolution=---|Click here for a full list of bug reports]].</note>  
-**[[http://bugzilla.xfce.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xfce4-mailwatch-plugin|File a new bug or enhancement request]]** 
-==== Open Bugs ==== 
-{{rss>https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?product=xfce4-mailwatch-plugin;query_format=advanced;ctype=atom 20 1d date}} 
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