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xfce:xfconf:xfconf-query [2020/08/12 16:28] – add footer nav kevinbowen
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 +====== Xfconf-query ======
 +Xfconf-query is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for accessing configuration data stored in [[xfce:xfconf:|Xfconf]]. Settings can be displayed and changed in real time. In most cases, any modifications will immediately be propagated to respective applications. Similarly, xfconf-query can display most current configuration options set by the applications or monitor configuration channels for any changes.
 +===== Usage =====
 +  xfconf-query [OPTION...]
 +==== Available options ====
 +? -h, --help
 +! Show help options
 +? -V, --version
 +! Version information
 +? -c, --channel
 +! The channel to query/modify
 +? -p, --property
 +! The property to query/modify
 +? -s, --set
 +! The new value to set for the property
 +? -l, --list
 +! List properties (or channels if -c is not specified)
 +? -v, --verbose
 +! Verbose output
 +? -n, --create
 +! Create a new property if it does not already exist
 +? -t, --type
 +! Specify the property value type
 +? -r, --reset
 +! Reset property
 +? -R, --recursive
 +! Recursive (use with -r)
 +? -a, --force-array
 +! Force array even if only one element
 +? -T, --toggle
 +! Invert an existing boolean property
 +? -m, --monitor
 +! Monitor a channel for property changes
 +===== Examples =====
 +List all available configuration channels:
 +  xfconf-query -l
 +List all available properties in the channel ''xfce4-panel'':
 +  xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -l
 +List all available properties and their values in the channel ''xfce4-panel'':
 +  xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -l -v
 +List all properties and their values in the channel ''xfce4-panel'' below the property ''/panels'' (including it):
 +  xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels -l -v
 +Create a new property ''/test1'' in the channel ''test'', holding an integer value ''1'':
 +  xfconf-query -c test -p /test1 -n -t int -s 1
 +Reset (and remove) property ''/test1'' in the channel ''test'' (this preserves any properties under ''/test1'', for example ''/test1/test''):
 +  xfconf-query -c test -p /test1 -r
 +Reset (and remove) property ''/test1'' in the channel ''test'' and all properties under it:
 +  xfconf-query -c test -p /test1 -r -R
 +Create a new property ''/test2'' in the channel ''test'', holding an array of two integers and two strings (''[int,int,string,string]''), and preset it with an array ''[4,5,"6","8"]'':
 +  xfconf-query -c test -p /test2 -n -t int -t int -t string -t string -s 4 -s 5 -s 6 -s 8
 +Create a new property ''/test3'' in the channel ''test'', holding an array of a single string value (''[string]''), and preset it with an array ''["123"]'' (note that without ''-a'' the property type would be ''string''):
 +  xfconf-query -c test -p /test3 -n -t string -s 123 -a
 +Monitor changes in the ''xfce4-panel'' channel:
 +  xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -m
 +Monitor changes in the ''xfce4-panel'' channel while displaying values of properties being set:
 +  xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -m -v
 +Hide ''Suspend'' and ''Hibernate'' from the logout dialog:
 +   xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowSuspend' -t 'bool' -s 'false'
 +   xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowHibernate' -t 'bool' -s 'false'
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