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panel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin:start [2019/11/09 12:31] – created kevinbowenpanel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin:start [2021/03/17 20:08] – created kevinbowen
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-====== Battery ====== +~~NOTOC~~ 
- +{{ :panel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin.png?nolink|}} 
-===== About =====+====== Battery Monitor - xfce4-battery-plugin ======
 A battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4, compatible with APM and ACPI, for Linux and *BSD. A battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4, compatible with APM and ACPI, for Linux and *BSD.
-===== Usage ===== +  * **[[#Usage|Usage]]*
-  Compile or install xfce4-battery-plugin +  * **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]** 
-  * Right-click the panel > Add New Items +  * **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]** 
-  * Add the Battery Monitor +  * **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]**
-  * Right-click plugin > Properties for the properties dialog+
-===== Screenshots ===== +----
-{{:projects:panel-plugins:battery_configure.png?150|Properties Dialog}} +
-{{:projects:panel-plugins:battery_panel.png|Panel Plugin}}+
-===== Recent Releases ===== +===== Usage =====
-==== 1.0.5 (2012/05/30) ==== +
-  * Better compliance with the panel plugin HIG +
-  * Don't set labels orientation on 4.8 panels (bug #8961) +
-  * Set progressbar orientation in setup_battmon (bug #8935)+
-==== 1.0.4 (2012/05/14) ==== +Add the plugin to the panelRight-click on the added plugin to open the settings windowThis plugin has three tabs:
-  * Fix compilation with panel version < 4.9+
-==== 1.0.3 (2012/05/13) ==== +  - **Level and actions**: Specify which command to run when the battery goes below a percentage; 
-  * Improve plugin UI in vertical/deskbar/multirows panels+  **Bar colours**: Specify which colors to use for the bar on different battery percentages; 
 +  - **Display**: Customize what icons and label see on the panel.
-==== 1.0.2 (2012/04/30) ==== +<figure "Level and action tab"> 
-  * change icon depending on charge level/ac status (bug #7768) +{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin-main-window.png?350|}} 
-  * install icons from xfpm +</figure>
-  * add AC color state and allow user-configurable colors (bug #6757) +
-  * implement read_acpi_state()/read_acpi_inof() on FreeBSD (bug #2814) +
-  * make the progressbar optional +
-  * improve battery removal detection +
-  * rework configuration dialog to use tabs +
-  * only display time if it's valid+
-==== 1.0.1 (2012/04/17) ==== +<figure "Bar colours tab"> 
-  * build the plugin as a module +{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin-bar-colors-window.png?350|}} 
-  * port to libxfce4ui (bug #8095) +</figure>
-  * port to panel 4.9+ (bug #8393) +
-  * add about dialog +
-  * don't show percentage/time if charge is 0 (bug #8631)+
-==== 1.0.0 (2011/01/03) ====+<figure "Display tab"> 
-  * Translated in 15 more languages, for a total of 38+----
-  * Make the warning messages non modal, fixing bug #3008+===== Latest Release ===== 
 +{{rss>https://archive.xfce.org/feeds/project/xfce4-battery-plugin 1 date description 2h}}
-  * Fix fan and temperature detection, fixing bug #2884+  * **[[https://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/xfce4-battery-plugin/|Previous Releases]]**
-  * Showing "No battery, AC online" when no battery is inserted+[[|Back to Top]]
-  * Fix compilation on OpenBSD+----
-  * Fix compilation on amd64 FreeBSD, fixing bug #3811+===== Source code repository ===== 
-  * Fix compile issue on linux, fixing bug #3938+----
-  * Various other small compile fixes and cleanup 
-===== Recent Changes ===== 
-{{rss>http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-battery-plugin/atom/ 5 date}} 
 ===== Reporting Bugs ===== ===== Reporting Bugs =====
-Bugs should be reported to the [[http://bugzilla.xfce.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xfce4-battery-plugin|Xfce bug tracking system]].+  * **[[:panel-plugins:xfce4-battery-plugin:bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** -- Open bug reports and how to report new bugs
-==== Open Bugs ==== +[[|Back To Top]] 
-{{rss>http://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&chfieldto=Now&emailassigned_to1=1&emailassigned_to2=1&emailcc2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailreporter2=1&product=Xfce4-battery-plugin&query_format=advanced&title=Bug%20List:%20battery&ctype=atom}} +---- 
- +[[ :xfce:xfce4-panel:start:|Return to Main Xfce4-panel page]]
- +
-===== Getting it ===== +
-The normal (and best) way to get this plugin is to use the package manager or port system of your operating system. +
- +
-If it isn't available there, or if you want a different version, you can download it in source form from [[http://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/xfce4-battery-plugin/]]. +
- +
-===== Source code repository ===== +
-[[http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-battery-plugin/]] +