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panel-plugins:xfce4-calculator-plugin [2019/12/13 16:07] – Upload new screenshots epetrigliapanel-plugins:xfce4-calculator-plugin [2021/03/18 14:41] (current) – removed kevinbowen
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-{{ :panel-plugins:xfce4-calculator-plugin.png?nolink|}} 
-====== Calculator - xfce4-calculator-plugin ====== 
-xfce4-calculator-plugin is a calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel. 
-  * **[[#Usage|Usage]]** 
-  * **[[#Screenshots|Screenshots]]** 
-  * **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]** 
-  * **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]** 
-  * **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** 
-===== Usage ===== 
-Place the plugin in your panel, enter your calculation into the text field and press ''Enter'' to calculate the result. 
-The plugin supports common mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, ^) with usual precedence rules, and the following functions and constants: 
-| pi                 | π≈3.141592654…                     | 
-| abs(x)             | Absolute value                     | 
-| sqrt(x)            | Square root                        | 
-| cbrt(x)            | Cubic root                         | 
-| sin(x)             | Sine                               | 
-| cos(x)             | Cosine                             | 
-| tan(x)             | Tangent                            | 
-| asin(x), arcsin(x) | Inverse of the sine function       | 
-| acos(x), arccos(x) | Inverse of the cosine function     | 
-| atan(x), arctan(x) | Inverse of the tangent function    | 
-| exp(x)             | Exponential function               | 
-| log(x), ln(x)      | Natural logaritm (base e)          | 
-| log2(x)            | Binary logarithm (base 2)          | 
-| log10(x), lg(x)    | Decadic/Common logarithm (base 10) | 
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-===== Screenshots ===== 
-<figure "Plugin on the panel with an example"> 
-<figure "Right click on the plugin label"> 
-<figure "Settings window"> 
-===== Recent Changes ===== 
-{{rss>http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-calculator-plugin/atom/ 10 date}} 
-  * **[[http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-calculator-plugin/log/|View full history]]** 
-===== Latest Release ==== 
-==== 0.7.0 (2019/02/24) ==== 
-**SHA-256 Hash**: 7b50ab947ab058e1c079113e7f0f8b38ef242fec36ec9f31bb4e3c19cb3f9de9 \\ 
-**SHA-1 Hash**: 43f19cd7202c1ee5e721e2a24e3cafb85033741c \\ 
-**MD5 Hash**: 1ae192a69834ee2f51f34a0a981181f4 
-===== Getting it ===== 
-The normal (and best) way to get this plugin is to use the package manager or port system of your operating system. 
-===== Source Code Repository ===== 
-===== Reporting Bugs ===== 
-If you encounter a bug in ''Calculator'', please submit a bug report to the [[https://bugzilla.xfce.org/|Xfce Bugzilla]]. Please note that to do this you will need to have / create an account on Bugzilla. 
-<note important>Before reporting a new bug, please try your best to check if it has already been reported (see the latest reports below). [[https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?list_id=14522&product=xfce4-calculator-plugin&resolution=---|Click here for a full list of bug reports]].</note>  
-**[[http://bugzilla.xfce.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xfce4-calculator-plugin|File a new bug or enhancement request]]** 
-==== Open Bugs ==== 
-{{rss>https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?product=xfce4-calculator-plugin;query_format=advanced;ctype=atom 20 1d date}} 
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