Xfce Wiki

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Xfce Documentation

The manuals on this website are written of the latest stable release of the module. At this moment this means the manuals apply to Xfce 4.8 and 4.10.
The documentation on this website is still “work in progress”…

Getting Started

Starting with Xfce
This document gives an overview of the Xfce Desktop Environment and explains how to perform several common tasks. It is meant to be a starting point for anyone who wants to use Xfce and it includes pointers to other sources of information.

Building Xfce
It is always recommended to use the packages provided by your distribution, however if you have special needs or you want a detailed description on compiling Xfce yourself, you can find it in this article.

The sitemap of this wiki gives a good overview of the pages available.

Core Modules

Window Manager (xfwm4)
Handles the placement of windows on the screen.

Panel (xfce4-panel)
Program launchers, window buttons, applications menu, workspace switcher and more.

Desktop Manager (xfdesktop)
Sets the background color or image with optional application menu or icons for minimized applications or launchers, devices and folders.

Settings Manager (xfce4-settings)
The settings daemon and the settings dialogs in this package. This includes the accessibility, appearance, display, keyboard and mouse settings.

Preferred Applications
Manage the preferred applications, i.e. the Web Browser that should be used to open hyper-links.


Terminal emulator for the Xfce desktop.

Image viewer for the Xfce desktop.

Get Involved

Writing documentation – Become a documentation writer or help translating the manuals.