xfce4-screenshooter - Custom Actions
Adding custom actions
xfce4-screenshooter Preferences Window |
Custom actions can be added, removed and editing in the Preferences dialog.
- Add: click on the plus(+) button and a new blank custom action is added at the bottom of the list.
- Remove: click on the minus(-) button and the selected custom action will be removed.
- Edit: add a new custom action or select an existing one, changes made to the name and command entries are saved as soon as the preferences dialog is closed.
Custom actions are composed of:
- Name: a friendly name that will be shown in the Actions dialog.
- Command: command to be executed, it can be an inline command or a call to script. The screenshot file can be referenced by passing
as parameter.
The following examples assume the necessary dependencies are already installed.
Extract text with OCR
gimagereader-gtk %f
Read QR Code
Save the following script somewhere and set as command: <somewhere>/read-qr.sh %f
#!/bin/bash RES=$(zbarimg --raw "$1" 2> /dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then notify-send -e "No QR Code detected" exit 0 fi ANSWER=$(notify-send -e -A 1="Copy to clipboard" -t 5000 "QR Code detected" "$RES") if [ "$ANSWER" == "1" ]; then echo "$RES" | xclip -selection clipboard fi
Hosting on Imgur™
- This custom action allows you to host your screenshot on this free online hosting service, so that you can share it easily with other people. Imgur automatically generates a tiny, medium, and full-size image of your screenshot, which can be used to create thumbnails pointing to the full size screenshot.
Save the following script somewhere and set as command: <somewhere>/imgur-upload.sh %f <CLIENT ID>
For the time being, screenshooter provides its own client id as %imgur_client_id
, in future releases that will be removed, you will need to register at Imgur and obtain your client id.
#!/bin/sh URL='https://api.imgur.com/3/image' SCREENSHOT_PATH=$1 CLIENT_ID=$2 if [ -z "$SCREENSHOT_PATH" ] || [ -z "$CLIENT_ID" ]; then zenity --error --text="Arguments are missing" exit 1 fi #RESPONSE='{"data":{"id":"q9a8Oh4","title":null,"description":null,"datetime":1690124891,"type":"image\/png","animated":false,"width":217,"height":186,"size":593,"views":0,"bandwidth":0,"vote":null,"favorite":false,"nsfw":null,"section":null,"account_url":null,"account_id":0,"is_ad":false,"in_most_viral":false,"has_sound":false,"tags":[],"ad_type":0,"ad_url":"","edited":"0","in_gallery":false,"deletehash":"b0AjSDJjSU4iyhE","name":"","link":"https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/q9a8Oh4.png"},"success":true,"status":200}' #RESPONSE='{"data":{"error":{"code":1003,"message":"File type invalid (1)","type":"ImgurException","exception":[]},"request":"\/3\/image","method":"POST"},"success":false,"status":400}' RESPONSE=$(curl --silent --location "$URL" --header "Authorization: Client-ID $CLIENT_ID" --form "image=@$SCREENSHOT_PATH") STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r .status) if [ -z "$STATUS" ] || [ $STATUS -ne 200 ]; then ERROR=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r .data.error.message) zenity --error --text="Failed to upload screenshot:\n$ERROR" exit 1 fi LINK="https://imgur.com/$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r .data.id).png" DELETE="https://imgur.com/delete/$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r .data.deletehash)" LOG_DIRECTORY="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/xfce4" LOG="$LOG_DIRECTORY/xfce4-screenshooter-imgur.log" # Add link to clipboard echo "$LINK" | xclip -selection c # Add links to log mkdir -p "$LOG_DIRECTORY" echo "--- $(date '+%x %X') Link: $LINK Delete: $DELETE" >> "$LOG" # Show dialog with links zenity --info --title="Screenshot uploaded" --text="Link: <a href='$LINK'>$LINK</a> Delete: <a href='$DELETE'>$DELETE</a> Link copied to clipboard. Links stored in: $LOG"
The dialog below will give you the links to delete the image off of the Imgur website. The link will only be shown once. Make sure to save it if you think you might be deleting this image:
Imgur Deletion Dialog Window |