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Thunar File Manager


Thunar is a modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment. Thunar has been designed from the ground up to be fast and easy to use. Its user interface is clean and intuitive and does not include any confusing or useless options by default. Thunar starts up quickly and navigating through files and folders is fast and responsive.

Thunar Plugins

Thunar plugins can be installed as separate, additional packages in order to extend the functionality of Thunar. Most Thunar plugins offer additional options on files in the context menu or via shortcut. The interface which is used by thunar plugins is the thunarx API.

Since thunar version 4.17.8 it is possibly to define a list of plugin directories via the environment variable THUNARX_DIRS (separated by colon)

Here as well some unofficial plugins, which are not maintained by Xfce:

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Debugging Support

Thunar currently supports four different levels of debugging support, which can be setup using the configure flag –enable-debug (check the output of configure –help):

Argument Description
full Use this if you want to debug Thunar to locate a bug. The build will most probably be noticably slower. This is also recommended for people that want to develop Thunar stuff.
yes Adds all kinds of checks to the code, and is therefore likely to run slower. Use this if you want to develop for Thunar (e.g. writing Thunar extensions and such).
minimum This is the default for release builds, and presents the recommended behaviour.
no Disables all sanity checks. Don't use this unless you know exactly what you do.

For some additional build & debug hints, as well check the Thunar Wiki pages.

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Standards compliance

Required Packages

Thunar depends on the following packages:

Thunar can optionally be build with the following packages:

  • D-Bus (strongly suggested, required for inter process communication)
  • xfce-panel (required to build the trash panel applet)
  • gudev (required for thunar-volman)
  • libnotify (required for mount notification support)

For concrete information on the minimum required versions, check configure.ac.in

Latest Release

  • thunar 4.18.11 released (2024/07/30 17:56)


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Source Code Repository


For additional build, test and debugging tips, see this page for more suggestions.

Reporting Bugs

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